I organize my products from Stampin’ Up! with an Evernote notebook and I’m helping others learn to do that too using Zoom.
Evernote is a free app that works on Windows, Macs, iPads, Android phones and tables, and iPhones. I have used it to create a searchable catalog.You can search all of your products for stamps, or for dies, or for Designer Series Paper, etc. Or you can search for circles, flowers, or the words “happy birthday”. You can search for products I think would be good for masculine, thank you, or encouragement cards. You can search for everything you own that comes in Real Red or Granny Apple Green.
It does take quite some time to prepare and maintain these notes. I now ask for a small contribution to share my notebook. You can use my PayPal button for an invitation.
Please enter the address you log in to Evernote in the box. Also, if you are new to sharing my notebook and you use a different email address for Facebook, please enter that in the second box.
Share my Current Products notebook for one year.
And if you’re not sure you’re ready to jump in with both feet…
3 Month Trial
You can try it out for 3 months for $5. I will send an invoice for an additional $5 if you would like to continue for the rest of the year.
I am an independent demonstrator showcasing products from Stampin’ Up! in the US, and I sell products from Stampin’ Up! to customers only in the US. But I do have information about the products from Stampin’ Up! that are available internationally. My notes include item numbers and images for English, French, and German translations, both Imperial and Metric specific products, and prices in all markets except Japan. (I wish I could include that market too, but I can’t figure out what to copy.)
Because of the COVID 19 “Shelter in Place” situation, I don’t anticipate being able to hold my monthly SIP Together classes for a while. And I’ve found that Zoom Meetings are a great way to help people use Evernote. I thought I would hold weekly Zoom Meetings to share how I use Evernote to search my craft products with my computer.
These meetings will be Fridays through May 8th.
Introduction to Evernote and how to get connected will be at 2:00 Pacific Time.
Use this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/441164057?pwd=QnlRNDJKc214WlYrSGxxeDd4L3gxZz09
Evernote Tutorial including searching the notes, creating your own notebook, and creating new notes will follow at 3:00 Pacific Time
Use this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/337915429?pwd=RE5Lako2SHl3NE5hejQxdzhRbXRTZz09
And if you can’t make that meeting and would like more help, email me to set a time that works for both of us.
I hope to see you soon!
If you can not attend on May 8th will your workshop be posted somewhere that I can review it? I downloaded both apps, zoom and Evernote so I’m ready. I live in WV so I believe there’s a 4 hour time difference.. I hope I have this correct. I will try my best to attend. Thank you.
I will also be having classes tomorrow, April 17, next week on the 24th, May 1st, and May 8th. I believe it’s only a 3 hour difference. Perhaps you will be able to make one of those presentations. I also plan to record videos with much of the same content, but I don’t know when I will be able to do that. And if need be, we can schedule a meeting for just the 2 of us. Hope to see you soon!