Change is Afoot!


The Retiring list has been posted. Some items sell out very quickly. In fact, I should have posted this in the morning. Don’t delay!

Click here for the Occasions Catalog Retiring List.

Click here for the Annual Catalog Retiring List.

You will see lots of Bundles on the list. Bundle prices are no longer carried over to the next catalog, so don’t get fooled. Just because a bundle is listed, it does not mean the products are retiring.

You will also see a lot of card stock, stamp pads, and ink refills on the list. Stampin’ Up! needed to update the molds they use to make the stamp cases. It was also time for a color refresh. After careful consideration they decided to make all the changes at once rather than make changes this year and then make more changes next year. I’m so glad they did! So there are some of my favorite colors retiring and I am so sad to see them go. But there are lot of even better colors that will be introduced and even some favorites from previous years returning. Yay!

I loved the way Stampin’ Up! showed the array of colors in the 2017-18 Annual Catalog on page 183. They didn’t do that this year, but here’s my version of it with the new colors.

Click here do download the full-size chart.

Again, when you see collections on the list, it may mean that just a few products in the collection are retiring.

But some of my favorite products really are retiring.

Everyone who has ordered from me in the past year will get the new 2018-2019 catalog, so now is a great time to order from me!

If you are reading this in an email you may not see all the links and images. Click here to see it all online.

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