I’m crazy about this card! It would look great with any of the stamps in Moon Lake. I wanted a printed paper, but didn’t have anything on hand that would do, so I made my own with shaving cream and refill ink. It turned out great!
The layout is a bit different too. Most cards are made with a half sheet of 8 1/2″ x 11″ but I wondered how it would work to cut it diagonally. What do you think?
I also used Crazy About You for the greeting as well as “you” cut with “Hello You Thinlits Dies.”
There are a lot of possible phrases for Crazy About You. Check out below the video for some I’ve come up with. Can you come up with more?
Crazy About You Phrases
so proud of you
crazy about you, crazy about graduation, crazy about celebrating, crazy about Easter, crazy about rock, crazy about sunshine, crazy about spring, crazy about baby, crazy about love
just sayin’ you amaze me, just sayin’ you rock, just sayin’ thanks, just sayin’ thanks for love
graduation rock(s)
thinking of graduation, thinking of mother’s day, thinking of celebrating, thinking of father’s day, thinking of Easter, thinking of sunshine, thinking of spring, thinking of baby, thinking of love, thinking of thanks
thinking of (+) celebrating graduation, thinking of celebrating together, thinking of celebrating you, thinking of celebrating love
you make me crazy, you make me miss you, you make me happy, you make me rock, you make me happy for baby, you make me happy for sunshine, you make me happy for love, you make me so proud (-of )
celebrating graduation, celebrating together, celebrating Father’s Day, celebrating Easter, celebrating you, celebrating sunshine, celebrating spring, celebrating baby, celebrating love
Hello graduation, Hello you, Hello sunshine, Hello spring, Hello baby, Hello love,
you amaze me, you rock me
miss celebrating, miss you, miss rock, miss sunshine, miss you so much
just be you, just be celebrating
baby love, baby happy,
Rock (-amaze) me, baby me, love me,
Thanks so much, thanks baby, thanks for being you,