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Once you have white card stock and markers you will want to add colored card stock and stamp pads.
Card Stock All of our basic card stock comes in color family assortments or single color packs, 80 lb. weight, and is the same color all the way through.. Both single color and assortments come in 8 1/2″ x 11″ or 12″ x 12″. I make primarily cards and the 8 1/2″ x 11″ works best for me. If you like to make a lot of 3-D projects or you want to try scrap-booking you might prefer the 12″ x 12″.
8 1/2″ x 11 single color $6.95 for 24 sheets
12″ x 12″ single color $5.95 for 12 sheets
8 1/2″ x 11″ assortments $6.95 for 20 sheets, 2 of each color
12″ x 12″ assortments $9.95 for 20 sheets, 2 of each color
I would get the same colors of card stock that you got in markers. These links should take you to the 8 1/2″ x 11″
Real Red or Cherry Cobbler, Old Olive or Pear Pizzazz, Basic Black, Marina Mist, Daffodil Delight, Pumpkin Pie, Early Espresso, Smoky Slate, Blushing Bride, Rich Razzleberry, Crumb Cake, and Night of Navy.
Classic Stampin’ Pads come is all the colors except Whisper White and Very Vanilla. The ink is dye-based and cleans up with water. The Basic Gray and Basic Black inks are a bit more water resistant and are better when you want to fill in outlines with water and ink. If you might do a lot of painting you might also consider Stazon Ink because it really is permanent. There is a Whisper White stamp pad in Craft ink that is more like paint. The ink pads are long lasting, but if you use up all the ink refills are available. I’ll let you cruise through the online catalog here.
Stamps There are so many! It’s hard to decide where to start. All of our stamps are high quality and come unmounted to help keep down the cost. We used to have to cut them off sheet of rubber, but they come trimmed ready to pop out. Here’s help for mounting. You need to decide on wood-mount, clear-mount, or the new photopolymer that are clear, stick to the block well, but because they are so new there’s a limited choice. I like wood-mount for sets that I use a lot and have small pieces. I like clear-mount for everything else because they take less room on my shelf and cost less. If you get clear-mount you will also need blocks. Clear Block D works for most sets $8.50 #118485. If you are shopping from a printed catalog the images are the same size as the stamps. Cut a hole in a piece of paper that is 2 7/8″ x 2 11/16″. If the whole image in the catalog fits in the hole, then Block D will work.
I suggest one with images that would look good for a lot of different events and then a greeting set that is also flexible. I know it’s not cheep at $36.95 in wood-mount #128748, but I find myself using Teeny Tiny Wishes a lot! It has 24 greetings for everything from Hello, Baby to Happy Retirement. If that’s too pricey try Sweet Essentials with 8 greetings at $19.95 #132085 in wood-mount.
For image stamps?
Consider these.
Blooming with Kindness $22.95 in wood-mount #131961 or $16.95 in clear-mount 126422. The greetings in this set may be sufficient to get you started.
By the Tide $27.95 in wood-mount # 131910 or $19.95 in clear-mount #29120
Everything Eleanor $36.95 in wood-mount #131987 or $26.95 in clear-mount #124164
Lovely As a Tree has been around forever! I think there would be riots if it was discontinued. $27.95 in wood-mount #128655 or $19.95 in clear-mount #127793
For the Birds provides another way to go. There are 8 stamps with greeting and image. $32.95 for Wood-mount #132001 or $24.95 for clear-mount #126407. You can use a marker to color just the image, stamp, clean the stamp, then stamp just the greeting. Some people eve cut them apart and mount them separately.