19-20 Colors Chart with RGB HEX and Autocorrect

7 thoughts on “19-20 Colors Chart with RGB HEX and Autocorrect”

  1. Just wanted to let you know the code for Pretty Peacock is incorrect. It’s the same as Seaside Spray. 🙂 But thanks for the resource!!

        • AutoCorrect is a list of common misspellings that computers automatically change to the correct spelling. I’ve use that to my advantage. I use Word, but I think you can add to the list of spelling corrections for most word processing programs. I created shortcut spellings for all the Stampin’ Up! colors and many common words and let AutoCorrect do most of the work for me. So if I type CS (in capital letters) my computer changes it to card stock. If I type SU it fills in Stampin’ Up! Most color names have two words that start with the same letter, so my code is easy. The two same letters followed by the next to letters of the second word. So BBLU is Balmy blue and BBLA is Basic Black. Some are a bit different. GAGR becomes Granny Apple Green. And every now and then the code comes out the same for 2 colors so I have to get creative. SSPR could be both Shaded Spruce and Seaside Spray so SSSP is the code for Seaside Spray.
          Here’s a video that might give you more info. I don’t have to refer to my list often. In fact, when I’m writing by hand I often use the code


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