Evernote is a free app that you can download and create notebooks to help you organize just about anything. You can organize recipes, your new best selling novel, your work projects, or really anything you want. I have used it to organize my craft products. I have a note for every current product offered by Stampin’ Up! and I share that notebook for a small contribution. I have always strongly encouraged others to create a notebook for the craft products they own. We can each then search for the products we want to use to make greeting cards, home decor, treat packaging, and lots of other papercrafting projects.
But Evernote has recently done a major update and it has changed the way the app works. Search has changed a lot. Some have lost connection with my notebook (This is an easy fix. Just email me me.) Copy Notes no longer works for our notebook.
The video addresses these issues and gives some options.
One of the reasons Evernote did this major update is that the coding was so very outdated. It needed to be updated, but that required this major overhaul. This will allow them to make updates easier and I believe it should work the same way, whether you’re using a Mac Or a Windows PC. Evernote has already made improvements. The initial update was to Evernote 10. They are now on Evernote 3.6. Version 3.0 gave no way to give access to copy notes. This latest update is a step in the right direction.
There is a Feedback button on the updated version. I recommend that you use that to let Evernote know that you need to be able to “copy notes from a notebook owned by someone else even if you have View Only access“
Again, I mentioned a couple of clunky ways to copy my notes. But I think the best way available at this point is to go ahead and update Evernote and download the Legacy version. I was just informed that if you install the Legacy version and then install the update, the update removes the Legacy version. Update first and then install the Legacy version. I think we’ll all have to update sooner or later. The Legacy version is only a temporary fix. I don’t know how long this will be available. You can have both versions on your computer and even have both open at the same time. You can use the Legacy version to copy my notes into your notebook and they will show up in the updated version. The Legacy version has a gray icon, not the usual bright green one, so you can tell which one is which.
Welcome to Evernote Legacy.
We recognize that there may be some scenarios where it’s necessary or desirable to use an older version of Evernote. This version is only temporarily available while we work to bring a few of the legacy features to our new clients.
Bottom Line.
I am so very sorry for this changes! I didn’t see it coming and there’s not much I can do about it.
Update to the new version but install the Legacy version now before it goes away. You should be able to read more about it and download it from this link. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
Or download the app at one of these links:
Legacy app for Mac computers: https://cdn1.evernote.com/mac-smd/public/EvernoteLegacy_RELEASE_7.14.1_458325.zip
Legacy app for Windows computers: https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.2.9198.exe
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