Techy Tips 7 – Save to Your Own Evernote Notebook

Techy Tips 7I share my Evernote notebook of Current Products from Stampin’ Up! but I only give the option to view my files. You can’t make any changes or mark the ones you own.

But you can create your own notebook and copy my notes into your own notebook. Once they are in your notebook you can edit them all you want. This video shows you how that’s done.

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14 thoughts on “Techy Tips 7 – Save to Your Own Evernote Notebook”

  1. Hi Bev. Thank you for introducing me to Evernote. I admire how organized you are. It is truly inspiring. I just signed up for Evernote and would appreciate you sharing your SU notebook with me. Thank you for your generousity. May God bless you richly as you share the talents He has gifted you with.

    • Welcome Donna! You should be receiving invitation from Evernote to share my notebook named “Current Products.” I think the Evernote link takes you to the online version first.

      If you already have Evernote, you may just get the invitation as a Work Chat. Click on the green notebook and wait for it to synchronize.

      Once you have accepted the invitation to share it may take a while to synchronize. I think it’s best to open the program/app on your computer, tablet, or phone rather than the online version. Look for the tag “Evernote Tips” for a bit more help.


  2. Hi Bev,
    Would it be possible for you to send me an invite to your current products notebook?
    I received your retired products invite & thank you so very much for that!!
    It’s amazing the time & effort you put into this & your willingness to share so openly!!
    I’m thinking about going pro with it, so that I can get in there what I want.
    The free version is just a teaser & I just can’t wait a month to be able to work on my notebooks more!
    Thank you so very much for all you do!!!

  3. Hi Bev! I just received my current product list and it’s amazing! Would you mind also sending me the retired list that you have. You’re so sweet to share these lists!

    Thanks so much!

    • I’ve just sent your invitation. I make no effort to keep this notebook complete. I do give full access to this notebook. Changes you make to these notes change the notes for everyone. Feel free to add new notes or to add to existing notes. Please do not delete anything. Thanks!

  4. Bev. Thank you so much for your current product list. Some of them copy to my Evernote with the pics you have and most do not. I’m sure I need to read more to figure out what I’m doing wrong. I see how to add a photo but it only goes to photos I’ve taken. Any tips?

    Would you send me your retired list? After 10 years I have some I just can’t part with and probably never will. Thanks ever so much

    • You’re welcome! I need more information about the pictures not copying. I have not had anyone share that problem. What exactly are you doing to copy the note? What device are you using (iPhone, Android, PC, tablet)? I’ll post the question on the Facebook group to see if anyone else shares this issue. Or perhaps a call into the Evernote techs. If you want to manually add the photos, you can go to the online store, copy the photo, and just paste it in.

      I will happily send the invitation for the Retired Products notebook. Just read carefully the WorkChat message about the way I share those notes.

  5. Hi Bev,

    I hope you can help me. I have many stampin up products. So many I do not know what I have and not have. I believe if I put everything on Evernote it will help me be more oraganized. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me your bCurrant products list and retired list. Thank you so very much for your help.

  6. Hi Bev! Wow —thanks for sharing. Would you be unless to send me an invite to the retired products? I’ve also subscribed to the new 2018-2019 via Paypal—can’t wait. This is such an amazing resource.

  7. Hi Bev,

    Could you please send an invitation to your Current Products to my Evernote? If I understand it correctly, it will appear as a Workchat? Will it work even if I’m not there at the time? lol This is all new to me and I’m not sure how it works. Thanks!


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